Privacy Policy

The terms "We" "Us" "Our" "Company" individually and collectively refer to The Techfirst Technologies the terms "You" "Your" "Yourself" refer to the users.

This Privacy Policy is a legally binding document between you and The Techfirst Technologies The terms of this Privacy Policy will be effective upon your acceptance of the same (directly or indirectly in electronic form, by clicking on the I accept tab or by use of the application or by other means) and will govern the relationship between you and Techfirst Technologies for your use of the web application

Please also read this Privacy Policy carefully by using the Website, you indicate that you understand, agree and consent to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use this Website.

Information We Collect

At TECHFIRST CRM app, we gather data when you use our services, including information such as your name, company name, image, mobile number, email, and address. We use this data to set a profile picture in your account and send OTPs for login. Your privacy is crucial to us, and we share information across this family of companies.

Information You Provide

To avail certain services on our Web Application. users are required to provide certain information for the registration process namely: - a) Mobile Number, b) email address, c) Business Name, d) Password, e) City to register on our web application.

Managing Your Information

Easily modify or delete your information through your account settings on the app, including the option to delete your account. All associated data will be permanently removed within 1 Day.

Changing Your Profile

You can change your personal details after login to your account. you can also change your profile in company name, email id at any time.

Information Security

We implement strong security measures to safeguard your data within the TECHFIRST CRM app. Although no system is entirely invulnerable, we store all data securely within our controlled database, protected by a firewall and limited access. Rest assured, your privacy is of utmost importance, and we do not share any personal details with any third parties. We also use camera and contact permissions from mobile devices to collect necessary personal information.

All information gathered on our application is securely stored within our controlled database. The database is stored on servers secured behind a firewall; access to the servers is password-protected and is strictly limited. However, as effective as our security measures are, no security system is impenetrable.

However, the internet is an ever evolving medium. We may change our Privacy Policy from time to time to incorporate necessary future changes. Of course, our use of any information we gather will always be consistent with the policy under which the information was collected, regardless of what the new policy may be.


By using our Web Application, you hereby consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to its Terms and Conditions.

Techfirst Technologies

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